CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

What Coaches & HR Professionals Need to Know To Attract More Women Leaders Back to the Workplace

After years of research and coaching executive women and entrepreneurs alike, I discovered that almost every woman who is looking to grow her career or business all share the same BARRIER. The repercussions from this one barrier create stop signs, slow driving, wrong turns and fender benders along the route to get to their desired destination. Sometimes women just stop driving, which is why many women are opting out during the time of the Great Resignation. A new program created by Her Circle Leadership for coaches and HR training managers is designed to address women’s challenges.

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Women Leaders™

Super-successful women leaders have learned to eliminate the good girl habits which rewarded them in their teens but stalled them in their professional lives. From research, executive coaching and experience I have identified the new habits that propel women forward to achieve their personal visions of success without abandoning their values.

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