Customers Want More Fintech, Still Love Branches, and Wish Switching Banks Was Easier Editorial Staff

Research from ForeSee Experience Index (FXI): 2017 Banking Report revealed that while CX is not a top reason to select a bank, the digital customer experience is a crucial retention tool and is a top reason people stay with a bank. 

Until switching banks is as painless as switching cell phone providers, at least 21% of customers feel like they’re being held captive by their current bank. And despite the growing popularity of online banking, nearly half (49%) of customers still want access to a physical branch. These are just some of the key findings from a newly released banking report conducted by ForeSee, a leader in Voice of Customer (VOC) solutions.

Other key findings of the report include:

Branches still matter: Nearly two-thirds (61%) of customers start their journey in a digital channel (desktop and mobile web) when opening a new account. Yet, more than half of those customers (59%) who started their journey digitally end up finishing at a branch location.

Banks rely too much on captive loyalty to retain customers: Only 38% of bank customers said they would definitely consider their primary bank when in the market for new services. Coupled with the 21% that aren’t switching banks due to concern about the consequences of switching (e.g., missed payments, etc.) , that is a considerable percentage of customers held captive.

Younger customers are less loyal: One-fifth of Gen Z consumers have already switched banks at least once in their short lifetime, and over a quarter of Gen Z banking customers would switch banks if it were as easy as switching cell phones.

Customers want more fintech: On average, 53% of people want more fintech services offered or integrated through their primary bank. And younger groups are even hungrier, with three-quarters of Gen Z (76%) and millennials (70%) looking for more such fintech services.

“The banking industry is being reshaped by fierce competition, notably from fintech companies that offer everything from payments to investing, often at a lower cost and with greater perceived convenience, “ says Jason Conrad, Vice President and author of the FXI: 2017 Banking Report. “But our research confirms that customers still want face-to-face interaction, putting the onus on retail banks to deliver omnichannel efficiency while balancing the needs of key customer segments. Measuring CX is the first step towards managing it.”

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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