Resume Writing: Stuck For Verbs?

Resume Rules - 2018

Marie Raperto, The Hiring Hub

Resume writing is a hard job. Deciding what to include, what buzzwords to use, what length it should be can be intimidating at times. Perhaps the most annoying is not duplicating verbs. Thanks to Career Cloud, here are some substitutions you can make.

Instead of ACHIEVED: Accelerated, Accomplished, Advanced, Amplified, Attained, Boosted, Completed, Created, Delivered, Demonstrated, Earned, Enacted, Enhanced, Expanded, Expedited, Generated, Improved, Lifted, Managed, Maximized, Outpaced, Produced, Reached, Stimulated, Surpassed.

Instead of ASSISTED: Aided, Advanced, Boosted, Counseled, Coached, Cooperated, Collaborated, Facilitated, Promoted, Reinforced, Supported.

Instead of COMMUNICATED: Advocated, Authored, Clarified, Composed, Consulted, Conveyed, Corresponded, Defined, Explained, Fielded, Illustrated, Informed, Interacted, Mediated, Moderated, Negotiated, Networked, Promoted, Persuaded.'

Instead of CREATED: Altered, Built, Crafted, Designed, Devised, Drafted, Envisioned, Established, Fashioned, Formulated, Initiated, Invented, Launched, Overhauled, Piloted, Pioneered, Rebuilt.

Instead of DECREASED: Condensed, Conserved, Consolidated, Deducted, Eased, Lessened, Reduced.Instead of EXPERIENCED: Accomplished, Capable, Competent, Qualified, Skilled, Cultivated.

Instead of IMPROVED: Boosted, Converted, Customized, Influenced, Integrated, Merged, Redesigned, Overhauled, Remodeled, Reorganized, Restructured, Revitalized, Saved, Streamlined, Strengthened, Transformed, Updated.

Instead of INCREASED: Advanced, Capitalized, Delivered, Enhanced, Expanded, Furthered, Generated, Maximized.

Instead of LED: Directed, Enacted, Executed, Guided, Impacted, Influenced, Initialized, Orchestrated, Oversee, Spearheaded.

Instead of MANAGED: Aligned, Coordinated, Cultivated, Directed, Enabled, Facilitated, Fostered, Guided, Motivated, Piloted, Supervised, Trained.

Instead of Worked On: Arranged, Compiled, Composed, Constructed, Crafted, Created, Developed, Fashioned, Forged, Formulated, Operated, Organized, Prepared, Set-up, Undertook.Happy updating!   

Marie Raperto

Marie Raperto is a leading recruiter in the integrated marketing and communications sectors, and is President/Owner of Cantor Integrated Marketing Staffing, Inc. In 1990, she joined The Cantor Concern, Inc. as Vice President and then was made President. Previously, she was a principal and vice president with Jim Cotton Communications, Inc., an advertising/public relations/design firm. Her clients included numerous Fortune 500 industrial and services companies, as well as leading hotels and consumer products companies. She is a member of PRSA, The Healthcare and Marketing PR Society and SHRM. She serves on the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York’s Board of Directors. She is currently the treasurer of the Women of Distinction Breakfast committee and is an author and lecturer on topics dealing with Public Relations Staffing and finding employment. Her company is involved with full and part-time recruitment, organizational development, communications audits, mergers and acquisitions of PR agencies and HR consulting.

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