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Global Women's Leaders... CommPRO Editorial Global Women's Leaders... CommPRO Editorial

Welcome to the Global Women’s Leadership Channel

This platform was created for global women leaders at all levels – across the public, private and non-profit sectors. Here you will find tools, strategies and the latest research  to help you overcome challenges, bias and  self-limiting beliefs that so often hold women back from both contributing fully and moving up in their organizations. 

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Internal Communications Amira Barger Internal Communications Amira Barger

How to Challenge Glass Cliffs and Codify Your Archetype

Having women in top leadership roles is more important than ever. Women occupy more than half of management roles and are most often the leaders supporting well-being of employees through diversity, equity & inclusion. Yet, we are passed over for c-suite roles and find difficulty in being supported by networks that shift our trajectories towards c-suite placement AND c-suite success – “and” being the operative word. This is particularly true in the world of public relations where near80% of CEO positions are occupied by men.

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Global Women's Leaders... Leslie Grossman Global Women's Leaders... Leslie Grossman

Leadership Learnings from the Pandemic

When we are confined to our homes, time can seem infinite. Even if you are juggling homeschooling with working, taking some quiet time to look inward and outward to what’s possible in the future is time well spent. As leaders - and we are all leaders of our own lives as well as others’ - we make professional progress by observing the leadership lessons we see in action. Watch and listen to leaders during this crisis and you will see what works effectively and what does not.

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Company Culture CommPRO Editorial Company Culture CommPRO Editorial

Women Leaders are Good for Business 

The struggles of women in the workplace have been well documented.

The challenges range from discrimination to the gender pay gap, and the lingering concept that men are more effective in leadership roles. A recent study revealed that in fact, women get higher marks for leadership in mid-level and senior leadership roles, even when they serve in traditionally male-dominated industries. Women deserve equal consideration for promotion, pay equal to their male counterparts, and to be treated with equal respect.

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