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Why You Should Increase Your Social Media Content Now

 With most of America staying safer at home, the demand for online content has sky-rocketed. There’s been a 22 – 27 percent increase in social media impressions in the last month, depending on the platform.

Health information is naturally in high demand. One online learning platform has seen a 30% increase in demand for health content.

And as this demand for news and information grows, a new class of trusted influencers is emerging.  For example,this article on Mediumhas received over 40 million views in the last week. The reason is that it is well researched, well presented, and provides answers people are looking for right now.No matter what business you’re in, you can use this time to increase brand awareness and position yourself as a trusted source of information and assistance. Become a stable and calming influence in your community.

To do this you need to increase the quantity and quality of the content you’re putting out on social media. Be there consistently with good information and be available to help your customers/clients/patients and others in your community. Figure out how you can best serve your community in this time of crisis.  One example is a financial service company that saw the need for homeschooling materials. They put together a series of Financial Literacy lessons for kids. Health care practitioners are doing calls online to help patients strengthen their immune system.

Figure out how you can serve your community in this time of need and get started with a flow of excellent social media content. If you’re not using a social media management dashboard, sign up for Sendible– it will make all this so much easier and faster.

If you need help with a crisis PR and social media plan, give me a call.  626 676 6419