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What Web3 Means for Communicators

Monica Talan, Founder, CryptoConexión

Some of us may remember doing PR in the early 1990s, when the Internet was new, known as Web1, and content was published online, but static. 

This was the start of the democratization of information, when real time access to news and other data brought with it new opportunities and efficiencies for engaging with key audiences. 

Web2 arrived some 20 years later in the early 2000s. The dynamic user generated content changed how we communicators approached engagement, leading to a greater focus on engagement both with internal and external audiences. In other words, digital platforms have changed how communicators define strategies and help brands engage with key stakeholders including consumers, employees, investors and others. 

Now, fast forward again 20 years and we are welcoming a new era with Web3. The difference? Web3 focuses on ownership of physical or digital assets using blockchain. So, what does this mean for communicators? 

  1. It means an opportunity to help build Web3 with an eye towards not only the technologies being developed now, but but how brands need to look at it. Web3 puts our key consumers (internal and external) at the center of everything - that is something we as communicators understand.

  2. It builds on our key attribute - our curiosity.  Most communicators I know are curious and life-long learners. Take me as an example, I jumped into this space because I was curious about Bitcoin - which opened the door to the decentralized world (blockchain, crypto, NFTs, Web3 and the Metaverse). Since then I have spent countless hours reading, researching, taking courses and meeting individuals in this space to learn and grow. As a 51 year old Latina - I hope I can inspire others to do the same. 

  3. Trust is critical - which is key as this new phase begins to take shape. As communicators we know that we need to have the trust of the communities we serve – the permission for brands/organizations to operate. One of the core terms in Web3 is “trustless” - which may seem like an odd choice until you realize that in the decentralized world it’s a good thing. It means you don’t need to trust one central entity. Understanding that centralization is not going away, we can help build trust by increasing security and reducing friction for those participating in this space. 

  4. Web3 will drive innovation in consumer engagement – and can unleash unparalleled creativity. A recent article in VentureBeat puts it this way, “For Web3 evangelists, the technology promises to help people regain control of their data and monetize who they are and what they know and do in new and exciting ways.” 

As communicators we should not underestimate the potential of Web3 and begin our learning journey now - focusing on our key audiences and where they are in their own journey.  

About the Author: Monica Talan is a seasoned communications professional and entrepreneur working to onboard individuals into the decentralized world, creating educational content and programs focused on blockchain, crypto, Web3 and the Metaverse.