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How To Make A Winning Enterprise Social Strategy (FREE WHITE PAPER)

Nearly every brand understands how important social media is to marketing, but most don't know how to create the right strategy to meet their goals.When it comes to proving social media efforts on a quantitative level, only 15 percent of marketers can demonstrate the impact. SocialEnterprise_ad2_300x250So how can brands build a more successful strategy?First, they need to involve the entire organization in the process. In the new Cision white paper, "A Hub, Spokes & Technology: Social Media Strategy for Enterprise Businesses," brands will learn how to revamp social strategies in six steps, plus why social listening and measurement matter so much.Here's a glimpse at two parts of the strategy puzzle:

1. Teamwork

Brands can no longer rely on one individual to man social media. Break down silos and involve members of each department in your strategy. Integrating all corners of a business helps brands avoid misunderstandings and disconnects.Take time to sit with each department to understand their needs and how social media can assist them in accomplishing their efforts. Use everyone's input, but let the social expert lead the overall strategy.

Want all seven steps to building a social strategy? Read the free white paper today!

2. Goals

If you don't have measurable goals in place, your social efforts won't accomplish much. As social continues to expand and evolve, remember to be flexible, but keep a list of benchmarks and metrics to refer back to.Set goals for each department, but ensure they also support your brand's larger goals. With specific metrics in place, you'll find it easier to present data to stakeholders and C-level executives down the line.

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