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#DigitalPR Twitter Chat

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It would appear that the corporate pendulum is swinging away from marketing as the place for digital and social media to PR.More than half (51%) of marketing and advertising execs polled in November 2015 said the PR team is best suited to handle social media activity. This is up from 39% in 2013.  Only 28% picked the marketing department. (Study by The Creative Group.)  This makes perfect sense, since social media is about communicating with and engaging your audience.

There are new skills PR pros need to learn in order to be the team of choice for all things Digital.  With this in mind Digital PR Agency Meritus Media is launching a new Twitter chat for PR folk - the #DigitalPR chat.  It will be held every Friday at 10 am Pacific, 1 pm Eastern starting February 5, 2016.The chat is hosted by Digital PR pioneer Sally Falkow - a 2015 Top 50 Twitter PR influnecers (Cision.)  She will be inviting industry expert and influencers to participate and share their Digital PR knowledge and insights on the weekly chat.

Where:  Twitter

When:  Fridays 10 am Pacific, 1 PM Eastern