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Content Strategy Challenges on #DigitalPR Chat


According to several studies on the problems companies face with content, the top thee challenges are1.  Lack of resources and capabilities2. How to create excellent content that gets seen and heard above the noise.3.  The need to produce more and more content and still get results. Companies published 35% more content in 2015 than the year before, yet engagement was down 17%.

The next #DigitalPR chat on Twitter is Friday April 1, 2016

Time: 10 am Pacific and 1 pm Eastern.

Topic:  Content Marketing Challenges- strategy, planning, content creation and distribution

Guest:  Brandon Andersen, CEO and co-founder of Ceralix.  Previously Marketing Director for Cision. @andersenology

Here are the questions I’ll be asking Brandon:

Q1:  Can you define strategy and tactics as it applies to content marketing.

Q2:  How does a brand set goals for their content? What are the desired outcomes?

Q3:  The 3 biggest content challenges are: lack of resources,  increase in content, maintaining quality. Do you agree?

Q4:  70% of marketers lack a consistent or integrated content strategy – how should a brand start on strategy?

Q5: CMOs at big tech cos say content marketing competency 2nd only to measuring ROI. Why so few with a strategy?

Q6:  How do you know what content will resonate with your audience?

Q7:  How do you know what content works and where the gaps are?

Q8:  Is using Google Analytics to track content effectiveness enough? What else can you use?

Q9:  Tell us about your new project (Ceralix)– what it is and what it does.

Mark this date on your calendar and join us on the chat.

You can use – all you have to do is enter #DigitalPR in the hashtag field and you will be placed in the chat room. See you Friday!  Follow me on Twitter